What you need to know about the 4 Cs of Diamonds

When you are buying a piece of diamond jewellery, you will surely hear about the 4 Cs and how they are used to determine what type of diamond you have and what your diamond is worth. There is also a fifth “C” that some people like to talk about as well. This “C” is certification. Let’s take a look at the four Cs and what each one means for your diamond jewellery:

Cut-This is going to be the ‘C’ that is going to be the most important when it comes to placing value on your stone. It’s also one of the most challenging for those that are not familiar with diamonds to understand.

Clarity-This will tell you how close to perfection you have with your diamond. Almost all diamonds contain some form of flaws, whether it’s inclusions, chips, or cracks.

Colour-When it comes to finding the most precious diamonds, you want one that is as close to being colourless as possible.

Carat Weight-Size matters when grading diamonds. The larger the stone the more valuable the diamond will be worth. Carat weight is what jewellers use to measure the weight of a diamond.

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